We've teamed up with Winchester Community StoryWalks® to create a brand new StoryWalk® at Blandy!
The first book to be featured is Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story by Sean Taylor, Alex Morss, and Cinyee Chiu. Books will be changed seasonally. Explore the great outdoors while you and the young naturalist(s) in your life read Winter Sleep a page at a time.You can also scan a QR code to listen to audio of the book being read aloud. A huge thank you to our friends at Handley Regional Library for preparing these fantastic StoryWalk® materials!
The walking route starts at the Native Plant Trail meadow and follows a stone wall as it winds its way to the Bamboo Forest (a kid favorite!). The route is ~0.25 miles over lawn and leaf litter, with occasionally bumpy terrain. Start near the section of the Native Plant Trail where the meadow meets the woodland. Along the way, you'll pass a native grass meadow, skirt Lake Georgette (a seasonal pond), and walk under a canopy of unique tree species in the arboretum's collection.
The Blandy StoryWalk® joins four others within the Winchester Community StoryWalks® network. Other walks are located at Handley Library, Bowman Library, the Shenandoah Discovery Museum, and Rose Hill Park.
StoryWalk® was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, Vermont in 2007 with a grant for $250 and a brilliant idea. Since then, StoryWalks® have been installed in 50 states and 13 countries including, Germany, Canada, England, Bermuda, Russia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and South Korea.