A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Blandy's Director of Education receives Conservation Educator of the Year Award!

 This fall, the Garden Club of Virginia honored Candace Lutzow-Felling, Blandy's Director of Education, with a Conservation Educator Award citing her "superlative leadership skills in devleoping conservation education outreach to not only the surrounding community, but the entire state and beyond." Congratulations Candace!

Winter Trees Exhibit On the Native Plant Trail

Winter has come, and plants have gone dormant. The arboretum's herbaceous specimens have reatreated belowground, and the deciduous trees have shed their coats of green and gold. Even though the leaves have fallen and a winter chill has settled in, nature still has things to teach us! Throughout winter, we will place a special series of informational signs in the woodland section of the native plant trail, discussing parts of trees that can only be fully appreciated when the branches are bare.


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News & Announcements


In 2011, a group of bicycling arborists paused at the Arboretum and planted 35 trees in an hour. That planting kicked off our Community Forest, a multi-year tree planting to expand the forest for wildlife near the front entrance. Civic organizations and school groups continued planting trees...



  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Thursday, January 16th

  1. Starting a wildflower patch from seed

Tuesday, February 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, March 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, April 1st

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting