Roulston Lab Home Page  Publications


Lovecky, Willow (PhD)

Thompson, Preston (PhD)

2022 Spindler, Emily (MS) Effects of Pesticide Flow into Pollinator Habitat

2022 Slatosky, Amber (PhD) Host-Parsitoid Interactions Between Bumble Bees and Conopid Flies

2021 LeCroy, Kate (PhD) Spread of exotic mason bees in eastern North America

2019 Cook, Brynn (PhD) The Dynamics of Scent Recognition in Insects

2015 Malfi, Rosemary (PhD) Bumblebee Population Dynamics: Assessing Risks Associated with Resource Availability and Parasitism

2014 Cruz-Maysonet, Stephanie (MS) The Maintenance of Mixed Feeding Strategies in a Specialist Moth

2011 Yeamans, Rebecca (MS) Factors Influencing the Nutritional Value of Pollen for Pollinators

2009 Van Dyke, Maria (MS) Effects of Land Management on Ground-Nesting Pollinators

2008 Ghent, Rachel (MS) The Effect of Intercropping on Plant Herbivory

2007 Julier, Esther (MS) Effect of Tillage Practices on Ground Nesting Bees on Pumpkin Farms



2019 Grover, Emma; University of Virginia. The Effects of Thiamethoxam on Bombus impatiens Foraging Efficiency

2019 Ubinas, Adalberto Luis; University of Puerto Rico , Humacao. Buzzing at night?: Understanding overnighting behavior in bumblebees and it causes

2018 Alfonso-Galtes, Leonardo; Florida International University. Patterns of Bumblebee Foraging Throughout Summer

2017 Harper, Devanie; Los Medanos College. Smile, You're on Camera: Factors impacting resource return in Bombus impatiens 

2017 Horne, Wadriann; Howard University. Determining the impact of conopid parasitoid flies on bumblebee longevity

2016 Litz, Amelia; Humboldt State University. Developing an approach for testing systemic pesticides on solitary bees: Effects of sulfoxaflor on Megachile rotundata

2016 Ware-Gilmore, Fhallon; University of West Alabama. What's Eating the Bee? Investigating bumble bees and their parasites in two landscape contexts

2015 Heitsch, Samantha; University of Virginia. Does Presence of Parasites Contribute to Virginia Bee Decline?

2015 Taylor, Chynna; Mt. Holyoke College. Does Restoration Affect Parasite Levels in Bumblebees?

2014 Cuff, Jalyse; Howard University. Does Size Matter? Fecundity and Longevity in Symmetrischema lavernella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

2014 McIntosh, Sarah; University of Virginia. Does conopid parasitism cause bumble bees to collect less pollen and stay out overnight?

2013 Allert, Mattea; University of Wisconsin Platteville. The Effect of Parasitism on Thermoregulation in Bumblebees

2013 Emerson, Amber; Howard University. Prey consumption and effects on performance in the specialist frugivore Heliothis subflexa 

2013 Slatosky, Amber; Idaho State University. Prevalence of parasitism and size of parasites in torpid bumble bees found away from their colony

2013 Stuligross, Clara; Earlham College. Plight of the Bumblebee: Assessing Risk of Parasitism in Foragers 

2012 Davis, Staige; University of Virginia. Gravediggers: Parasitoid Manipulation of Bumble Bee Host Behavior and Selection for Host Body Size

2012 Moorhouse, Amy; Minnesota State University Moorhead. Nipped in the Bud: New Groundcherry Moth Performs Better as a Frugivore than a Budworm 

2012 Repollet, Patricia; University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. Can grasshoppers reduce herbivory on plants they don't like to eat? 

2011 Nifosi, Johanna; Universidad Metropolitana. Main factors limiting population growth of Lema daturaphila

2011 Orozco, Jessica; San Francisco State University. Diet and diversity: Bumblebee (Bombus spp.) foraging dynamics and community response to flowering plant diversity in Virginia grassland meadows

2011 Paine, Kellen; Earlham College. Thieves or friends: Are specialist bees more efficient at removing pollen than generalists?

2010 Cruz-Maysonet, Stephanie; University of Puerto Rico Bayamon. Does a shift to small flowers in annual groundcherries leave specialist pollinators behind?

2010 Roybal, Carla; Prescott College. The dark side of sunflowers: What limits the pollinators of Helianthus annuus?

2009 Rivera, Ricardo; University of Puerto Rico Bayamon. What's eating you? How predators, parasitoids and cannibals combine to suppress populations of the herbivore Lema daturaphila

2009 Stanonik, Timothy; University of Virginia. Investigations into the life history and impact of a lepidopteran frugivore

2009 Yeary, Hollace; Kent State University. Are plant-pollinator interactions mediated by defensive chemistry?

2008 Meier, Linnea; Earlham College. The effects of isolation and plant population size on host-specialist interactions and plant fitness in two species of Physalis (Solanaceae)

2008 Soper, Alysha; Luther College. The effects of the tachinid, Myiopharus infernalis, on the population dynamics of Lema daturaphila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

2007 Lingbeek, Brandon; Calvin College. Why does the population of the specialist herbivore, Lema daturaphila, decline as its host plant, Physalis longifolia, becomes more abundant?

2006 Jones, Cedric; Howard University. Host plant choice in Lema trilinea: Is host plant relatedness more important than structural similarity to a specialist herbivore

2005 Elstein, Jacob; Virginia Tech. Shared Herbivory Amongst Solanaceous Species and Pollen Limitation in the Context of Herbivory

2005 Triska, Maggie; Viterbo University. Sexual Success of Isolated Clonal Plant Populations

2004 McCauley, Mary; Berea College. Do Specialist Pollinators Contribute Anything Special to Generalist Plants?

2003 Farris, Grace; Brown University. Foraging dynamics of the Squash Bee (Peponapis pruinosa) on squash (Cucurbita pepo)

2003 Shuler, Rachel; Oberlin College. Farming for bees: pollination as ecosystem service

2002 Brewster, Amanda; Yale University. Pollinator response to floral resource depletion: a community level study

2002 Smith, Stephen; Sarah Lawrence College. Floral visitation rates among co-flowering species: a community level study



2021 Paige Linton, James Wood High School.

2021 Anne Larson, Mountain Vista Governors School.

2018 Maddie Welch, Mountain Vista Governors School.

2017 Schneider, Emma; Home school. 

2016 Jones, Nula; Mountain Vista Governor's School. Do Fluctuating Nighttime Temperatures Reduce Parasite Growth in Infected Bumble Bees?

2016 Lovecky, Willow; Home school. 

2016 Walls, Courtney; Sherando High School. Testing Methods for Establishing Bumble Bee Colonies from Newly Emerged Queens

2015 Ruby, Emma; Mountain Vista Governor's School. Do Bumble Bees Stay Out at Night to Kill their Parasites?

2014 Lee, Amanda; Sherando High School. A Moth That Tricks Plants Into Making Fruit

2011 Eisenman, Leanna; Mountain Vista Governor's School. Tracking Honey Bee Colony Survival Relative to Parasite Load

2009 Eisenman, Christopher; Mountain Vista Governor's School. The Development of Diet Preference in Cabbage Looper Caterpillars

2008 Burks, Jack; Mountain Vista Governor's School. Development of the Three Lined Potato Beetle

2006 Allen, Gretchen; Sherando High School. Key to Metallic Green Halictidae of Blandy