A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Visit the New Information Center

When you walk into the newly redesigned and interactive Information Center at Blandy, you’ll be greeted by a giant 3D ginkgo tree replication in its full golden glory. Beneath the tree, a few intriguing questions, with answers under movable discs, will whet your appetite for some of the engaging natural features that await you outside the center. On one wall, a huge watercolor inspired map will help you acclimate to your position at the Arboretum and plan out the rest of your visit.

Milkweed Watch: Exploring Pollinator Dynamics at Blandy

June 28, 2024 -- mmccartney

We tend to make a pretty big deal about milkweed here at Blandy Experimental Farm. During the growing season, you will likely see several posts from us featuring this group of plants and their amazing ability to support pollinators. Milkweed attracts more than just pollinators to Blandy, though. Scientists interested in milkweed ecology also flock to Blandy in the summer to take advantage of the field station for their research. One such researcher, Cameron Morris, an undergraduate from the College of William and Mary, shares their approach to the questions they hope to answer this summer.  

"Murmuration" sound installation coming to Blandy! This weekend only!

May 29, 2024 -- alf7f

UPDATE: Keep an eye on the weather this weekend if you have your heart set on experiencing "Murmuration." The exhibit will be taken down if rain seems likely, as moisture may damage the electronics in the sound-producing devices. Based on the forecast as of Friday morning, there is a greater chance of rain on Sunday than on Saturday.


Exciting news! This weekend only, Blandy visitors will have the opportunity to experience a unique soundscape at the Ginkgo Grove!


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Your tax-deductible contribution supports the research, education, and engagement initiatives of the Foundation of the State Arboretum of Virginia.



  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Thursday, January 16th

  1. Starting a wildflower patch from seed

Tuesday, February 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, March 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, April 1st

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting