Celebrating 35 years of Garden Fair May 9- 11, 2025
Get your application in now to join us for the much anticipated 35th celebration of the Mother's Day Weekend Garden Fair at Blandy Experimental Farm, the home of the State Arboretum of Virginia. The Garden Fair is the biggest fundraising event of the year for the Foundation of the State Arboretum, the nonprofit that supports Blandy Experimental Farm and the Arboretums’ varied collections and public education programs. More than 8,000 people from across Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, Warren and Loudoun Counties and far beyond, up to a 300-mile radius attend this Mother’s Day tradition event hosted on the beautiful grounds of the State Arboretum of Virginia, located in the picturesque Shenandoah Valley. More than 60 vendors from across the state participate each year to offer the best selection of native plants, annuals, perennials. herbs, trees, shrubs, garden tools, nature inspired crafts and gifts and more. We hope you can join us!
Vendor/Exhibitor Applications Are Now Open
Applications are due by Friday, March 7, 2025. At this time, we are only accepting applications. If your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to proceed with your payment. Payment will be due in full by March 31, 2025.
- In 2025, we will accept 65 vendors total, including a set percentage of plant, garden tools, crafts and gifts, food and nonprofit organizations.
- Vendor booth fees have remained the same as 2024 fees.
- There will be no tent, table or chair rental available.
- Priority will be given to vendors who provide complete documentation. Your application is not complete until we receive your properly completed COI.
- Priority will be given to food vendors using compostable/biodegradable/eco-friendly food serving packaging and utensils.
- All vendors, with the exception of food vendors and nonprofit booths are required to be open on Preview Night Friday, May 9, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
- Event layout is changing this year. Vendor booth location requests cannot be guaranteed.
Before You Apply, Review the Following Documents
- 2025 Garden Fair Vendor/Exhibitor Guidelines
- Vendors agree not to sell any plant species, or cultivars thereof, that appear on Blandy's document titled “Landscape Plants that are Alien Invasive Species in Virginia.” View Blandy's Invasive Plant List
- All vendors who are selling goods or services must submit a Certificate of Insurance with their application listing the Foundation of the State Arboretum 400 Blandy Farm Lane Boyce, VA 22630 as certificate holder/additional insured AND ALSO LISTING The Commonwealth of Virginia and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, its officers, employees, and agents as additional insured. The COI must show commercial, general liability coverage with limits of liability not less than $1 million dollars per occurrence and $2 million general aggregate, as shown on the Sample Certificate of Insurance Exhibitors and Nonprofit vendors who are NOT SELLING goods or services will be exempt from the Certificate of Insurance.