Spring Wildflower Watch- March 29th

March 29, 2024

Spring! Finally!

Over the coming weeks, new spring ephemeral wildflowers will start popping up in the woodland area of the Native Plant Trail. In a stroll through the woodland this morning, we spotted Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginia), Toadshade Trillium (Trillium sessile), a few cheery Wood Poppies (Stylophotum diphyllum), and a smattering of Rue-anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides). Largeflower Bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) and Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium reptans) are on deck.

Stay tuned to our social media pages and website for wildflower updates this spring!

Planning to visit the Native Plant Trail Woodland this spring? Check out our brochure for a field guide to common wildflower species.