A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 25)

2023 GINKGO WATCH Wednesday, October 25th- Yellow!

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Wednesday, October 25th).

Most of the trees in the Ginkgo Grove are mostly yellow, although there are still a few pockets of green here and there.

To avoid crowds this weekend, we strongly encourage visitors to come on a weekday.

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 23)

2023 GINKGO WATCH Monday, October 23rd- On the move!

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Monday, October 23rd).

"Lime green" is the predominant color, but somewhere between 60-70% of the trees have at least a few yellow leaves. On many trees, there are branches with almost all yellow or lime-green/yellow leaves. This coming weekend (Oct. 27-29) has the potential to be the "peak" weekend for golden leaves, but stay tuned for another update later this week.

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 19)

2023 GINKGO WATCH Thursday, October 19th- On the move!

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Thursday, October 19th).

"Lime green" is the predominant color, but somewhere between 50-60% of the trees have at least a few yellow leaves. On many trees, there are a few branches with almost all yellow or lime-green/yellow leaves. 

This coming weekend (Oct. 20-22) is unlikely to be the "peak" weekend for golden leaves. 

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 17th)

2023 GINKGO WATCH Tuesday, October 17th- On the move!

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Tuesday, October 17th).

While "green" or "lime green" are still the predominant colors, somewhere between 40-50% of the trees have at least a few yellow leaves.

The best time to see golden ginkgoes at Blandy is usually late October - early November, although there is some variation in timing from year to year.

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 13)

2023 GINKGO WATCH- Still mostly green, with some yellow.

Important information to help you plan your visit. 

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Friday, October 13th).

While "green" or "lime green" are still the predominant colors, somewhere between 25-30% of the trees have at least a few yellow leaves, depending on where you stand in the Grove.

Ginkgo Watch (Oct. 5)


Important information to help you plan your visit. 

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today (Thursday, October 5th).

A few trees in the middle of the grove are starting to show some yellow, but most of the trees are still mostly green.

The best time to see golden ginkgoes at Blandy is usually late October - early November.

Ginkgo Watch (Sept. 27th)


The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like today. Although a few of the youngest saplings are staring to show a tinge of yellow, the vast majority of the leaves at the Grove are still green.

The best time to see golden ginkgoes at Blandy is usually late October - early November.

Stay tuned to our website, Facebook, and Instagram for regular updates on the state of the Grove!

2023 Ginkgo Watch- Green!

The Ginkgo Grove undergoes a magical transformation each Fall as the leaves transition from green to gold. Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like this week (September 18-24). Most of the leaves at the Grove are pretty green!

The best time to see golden ginkgoes at Blandy is usually late October - early November.

Please visit this page for information to help you plan your visit to the Ginkgo Grove in 2023. 


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In 2011, a group of bicycling arborists paused at the Arboretum and planted 35 trees in an hour. That planting kicked off our Community Forest, a multi-year community tree planting to expand the forest for wildlife near the front entrance. See the forest today! 


Saturday, February 15th

  1. Hot Chocolate Hike: Bodacious Birds

Thursday, February 27th

  1. Blandy Book Club
  2. Virtual program: It's not salty enough!

Sunday, March 2nd

  1. Coastal Plain Fossils (Ages 8+)

Tuesday, March 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Thursday, March 6th

  1. Blandy Sketch Group
    • Start time: 12:30pm
    • End time: 03:30pm
    • The Blandy Sketch Group is a dynamic group of artists who work in the visual arts and who all share a love of the natural world as inspiration for their artwork. The Blandy Sketch Group is open to any artist, beginner or professional.  This month, we will be meeting in the Blandy LibraryVisit our website for more info- https://blandysketchgroup.wordpress.com/