A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Sick plant? Contact your local extension office!

Sick plant at home? Want help with a diagnosis? Contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office (https://ext.vt.edu/offices.html) for help!

To protect the unique specimens in the arboretum’s collection and reduce the spread of plant pests and diseases, PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY OUTSIDE PLANT MATERIAL TO BLANDY. 

Thanks so much for your help keeping our plants happy and healthy!

Gingko Guide Training Set For October 16

Blandy’s Ginkgo Grove attracts thousands of visitors each fall – many of whom are visiting Blandy for the first time. We are actively recruiting volunteers (“Ginkgo Guides”) to help introduce visitors to the Ginkgo Grove and to Blandy’s grounds this fall.

Ginkgo Guides should expect to attend a two-hour orientation session Sunday, October 16th, from 2 to 4 PM, and to work one or more three-hour shifts during weekends in October and early November.

The training session will cover:


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News & Announcements


In 2011, a group of bicycling arborists paused at the Arboretum and planted 35 trees in an hour. That planting kicked off our Community Forest, a multi-year tree planting to expand the forest for wildlife near the front entrance. Civic organizations and school groups continued planting trees...



  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Thursday, January 16th

  1. Starting a wildflower patch from seed

Tuesday, February 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, March 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Tuesday, April 1st

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting