A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Art and Nature at Blandy

Don't miss this special Textile Art Exhibit on display at Blandy now through the end of the year. Enjoy more than two dozen pieces of art inspired by nature by artists Norma Frederickson and Laura Robertson. Some of the art is on sale with 50 percent of the sale benefitting Blandy. The show is located in the Quarters Building Dining Room and open during the week during normal office hours and also limited hours on the weekend. 

Ginkgo Gold Weekends October 26th-27th & November 2nd-3rd

This year, the Foundation of the State Arboretum will be celebrating Ginkgo Gold with special visitor services on the weekends of October 26th and 27th and November 2nd and 3rd. Several snack trucks and extra bathrooms will welcome visitors near the parking entrance before you begin your 10-minute walk to the Grove. We will also host a ginkgo and State Arboretum of Virginia souvenir stand and a Sponsor A Ginkgo Tree booth across from the Gingko Grove. 


September 26, 2024 -- kye4cb

Join us during the Ginkgo Gold weekends of October 26th and 27th and November 2nd and 3rd, and Sponsor a Ginkgo Tree on the spot for $100. Volunteers will be in the Ginkgo Grove to help you pick a tree, claim it with a named tag, and take a photo by your sponsored tree. 


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In 2011, a group of bicycling arborists paused at the Arboretum and planted 35 trees in an hour. That planting kicked off our Community Forest, a multi-year community tree planting to expand the forest for wildlife near the front entrance. See the forest today! 


Saturday, February 15th

  1. Hot Chocolate Hike: Bodacious Birds

Thursday, February 27th

  1. Blandy Book Club
  2. Virtual program: It's not salty enough!

Sunday, March 2nd

  1. Coastal Plain Fossils (Ages 8+)

Tuesday, March 4th

  1. Blandy Photography Club Meeting

Thursday, March 6th

  1. Blandy Sketch Group
    • Start time: 12:30pm
    • End time: 03:30pm
    • The Blandy Sketch Group is a dynamic group of artists who work in the visual arts and who all share a love of the natural world as inspiration for their artwork. The Blandy Sketch Group is open to any artist, beginner or professional.  This month, we will be meeting in the Blandy LibraryVisit our website for more info- https://blandysketchgroup.wordpress.com/