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What's in Bloom - December/January

What's in Bloom - December/January

The Possumhaw shrub

The Possumhaw shrub (Ilex decidua) bears its bright red berries throughout the winter months, eventually dropping its leaves in mid-winter. This specimen can be found near the entrance to the Native Plant Trail woodland. A closely related species, winterberry (Ilex verticillata) can be found near the hollies south of the Hewlett Lewis pavillion.

Various species of conifers

Various species of conifers remain green all year and bear unique cones, like this loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Conifers can be found in the conifer section south of the Quarters, or at various points along the loop road.

several species of hollies

The arboretum contains several species of hollies that retain their berries throughout much of the winter. This particular species, American Holly (Ilex opaca), can be found along Blandy Farm Lane, in front of the quarters building, along the native plant trail woodland, and in the holly section of the arboretum south of the Hewlett Lewis pavillion.