Ed- Schoolyard Botany Lesson and Activities
Blandy Experts Warn Against Using Boxwood in Holiday Decorations
Blandy arborist Chris Schmidt warns that boxwood clippings can spread boxwood blight fungus in recent article in The Winchester Star.
Arbor Vitae Fall 2021
Fall 2021 Ginkgo Info
That's all, folks! As of Thursday, November 11th, 95%+ of the trees in the Ginkgo Grove have dropped their leaves. We can look forward to enjoying the austere beauty of the Grove over the coming winter months.
Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like Monday, November 8th. It's been a strange fall for our ginkgoes. We estimate that ~50-75% of the ginkgo leaves have fallen, many while still green in color. Could a warm October followed by 5 consecutive days of low temperatures be to blame?
What's in Bloom - November
Seasonal and Event-Based Volunteer Opportunities
CCPS- NOAA K-3 Literacy Project
Blandy Birding Resources
Planning a trip to Blandy? Check out these resources to learn about the birds you might encounter during your visit!
News & Announcements
Your tax-deductible contribution supports the research, education, and engagement initiatives of the Foundation of the State Arboretum of Virginia.
Friday, December 13th
December Bird Walk
- Start time: 08:00am
- End time: 10:00am
Scout for birds at Blandy! Visit our website for more information and to register: https://blandy.virginia.edu/content/programs-workshops-walks
Sunday, December 15th
Cozy Conifer Mysteries
- Start time: 10:30am
- End time: 11:30am
Enjoy a mug of hot chocolate (or tea!) as you solve a conifer-themed mystery. Visit our website for more information and to register: https://blandy.virginia.edu/content/programs-workshops-walks
Monday, December 16th
Starting a wildflower patch from seed
- Start time: 06:30pm
- End time: 07:30pm
Step-by-step presentation on how to start a native wildflower patch from seed. Visit our website for more information and to register: https://blandy.virginia.edu/content/programs-workshops-walks
Tuesday, December 17th
Cozy Conifer Mysteries
- Start time: 02:00pm
- End time: 03:00pm
Enjoy a mug of hot chocolate (or tea!) as you solve a conifer-themed mystery. Visit our website for more information and to register: https://blandy.virginia.edu/content/programs-workshops-walks
Wednesday, December 18th
Conifers: Junior Naturalist Series
- Start time: 10:00am
- End time: 12:00pm
Drop in nature program for kids ages 1-6 + caregiver. Visit our website for more information and to register: https://blandy.virginia.edu/content/programs-workshops-walks