A winter scene with trees and snow
A winter scene with trees and snow

Fall 2021 Ginkgo Info

November 11, 2021 -- alf7f

That's all, folks! As of Thursday, November 11th, 95%+ of the trees in the Ginkgo Grove have dropped their leaves. We can look forward to enjoying the austere beauty of the Grove over the coming winter months.


November 6, 2021 -- alf7f

Here's what the Ginkgo Grove looks like Monday, November 8th. It's been a strange fall for our ginkgoes. We estimate that ~50-75% of the ginkgo leaves have fallen, many while still green in color. Could a warm October followed by 5 consecutive days of low temperatures be to blame?


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Friday, December 13th

  1. December Bird Walk

Sunday, December 15th

  1. Cozy Conifer Mysteries

Monday, December 16th

  1. Starting a wildflower patch from seed

Tuesday, December 17th

  1. Cozy Conifer Mysteries

Wednesday, December 18th

  1. Conifers: Junior Naturalist Series